A new process to report POYC and Eating Out issues

Process to share your experiences

Following fruitful meetings with the POYC and the Environmental Health Department earlier this year, both entities agreed with a new process to report any issues experienced to the Association.

Issues related to the POYC vouchers such as brand discrimination can be reported by submitting your details on this form.

We also encourage you to submit issues experienced when eating out on this form.

The Association will forward all complaints to the POYC and the Environmental Health Department respectively. Personal details are necessary because of legal requirements but will remain with the Association.

Whilst this process will help coeliacs share their experiences with the Association, we will be voicing all concerns to both government authorities, we are here to support you. Without adequate information the POYC and the Environmental Health Department cannot follow up with our concerns. We hope that this process will help enforce some much needed improvements.