How it works

This simple guide explains how you can add your own recipe. Let’s go through every section of the form.

1. What’s in a name

First things first, add a recipe name.

2. Those precious ingredients

Add ingredients is the next section. Any ingredient added can be editted or deleted as seen below.

3. The all important method

Adding the steps of the recipe method is not so different from adding ingredients.

4. Optional information

You may add additional details in the last section. These optional details include:

  • Photo of your recipe
  • Your name to credit yourself of the recipe *
  • Add your email address if you would like to be notified when the recipe is published *
  • A brief description which you can use to provide any further information or any sources for inspiration

* Your name and email are strictly used as described here. We promise this information will not be used for any marketing purposes.

5. Saving your recipe

Save your recipe, we will review and publish it within a couple of days.

And that’s it! We hope this guide helps you to add your recipes.

Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback.