POYC changes will come into force as from May 2017

Pharmacy of Your Choice

In the last newsletter issued at the end of March 2017, the Association informed its members that POYC were making changes in the contracts with shops participating in the voucher system in an effort to eliminate the serious issues experienced by coeliacs when using vouchers to buy gluten free food.

The Association has now been given to understand that these changes will come into force as from May 2017.

It is important to note that, together with these changes, POYC – to put the voucher scheme in line with the National Health Strategy – will be introducing the condition that the voucher scheme: does not cover gluten free chocolate related products”. In fact, retail outlets participating in the voucher scheme are already receiving amended lists with this explicit exclusion.

The Association wishes to emphasise that it never proposed this exclusion nor endorsed it; in fact, POYC would not accept any discussion on the matter.


Further to this morning’s update, it is necessary to highlight that the most important change that POYC will make is to the contracts with the retailers who participate in the voucher scheme is to redefine the wording “Gluten Free / GF” so as to cover “products made from naturally GF items and made in a way that can be labelled ‘gluten free’ and fall under the staple food list.”

The changes will also include the wording “It does not cover gluten free chocolate related products” which, according to POYC, brings it in line with the National Health Strategy.